Two Lea(h)s Agree: ‘Life is Short’ Takes a New Meaning to these Working Moms

Not until a loved one is infected with the dreaded virus that caused the pandemic two years ago, one might not realize how serious the situation is. But probably not for a mother, whose constant prayer—pandemic or not—is to spare her family.
Like most mothers, Leah D. Morado felt the gravity of the pandemic. “It was a shock to see some close friends die due to COVID-19,” she says.
“The reality that life is short took on a new meaning for me. We don’t need guns and ammunitions to wage a war after all. It only takes a tiny virus that we cannot even see to alter our lives forever,” she adds.
For Lea Coruna, the pandemic made her realize the value of taking care of her health for the sake of her family and career. Spending time with loved ones also became a top priority
“Oftentimes, our health has been neglected. Unbalanced diet and not getting enough sleep is common. The pandemic has taught me that without good health, everything we worked hard for will be wasted,” she says.

Balancing work and family
Morado believes working mothers have become experts in dealing with challenging situations both at home and at work.
“I take my hats off to all working moms. I think working mothers have learned the art of balancing the pressures of work and family,” she says. This experience has made them adaptable to any working environment, she adds.
She is able to achieve this balance, thanks to a great team behind her at work and at home.
“At work, I have a good HR team that understands their role and carries out the mandate to serve the employees,” Leah says, adding that she leads them like a dutiful mother too. “I treat my work team as my family,” she says.
At home, she shares chores with her family. “We don’t have a staff at home. My husband, my daughter and I share the house chores, including taking care of our dogs whom we consider part of the family,” Leah says.
For Coruna, family life has been challenging. She believes that balancing work and home life can be one of the most common stressors of a working mom. Aside from her career as a Quality Assurance Manager, she also takes the role of a father to her growing children as her husband works overseas.
But these challenges make Lea realize that it is all worth it. “Sometimes I want to surrender but every time I see the smile on my children’s faces, it gives me the energy to go on," she says.

Grateful with PCPPI
Coruna and Morado agree that the healthcare benefits from Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc. is one of the things they are most grateful for, as both Lea(h)s work in the same company. “It makes us feel appreciated and supported”, Coruna says.
“We may not have the best of everything, but PCPPI is taking care of the employees’ needs, something that some companies do not have, and that was tried and tested during this pandemic,” Morado reveals.
PCCPI also helped boost the morale of working moms. Work-from-home arrangement was accorded to qualified working mothers, Morado said. PCPPI also carried out simple programs to honor them during Mothers’ Day and Women’s month. “Working mothers are given equal chances to grow their career in the organization,” Leah says.
Their message to all the hard-working moms? Being a mother is a God-given privilege, Morado says. “We must use it to inspire others who are struggling in their work life.”
Coruna also gives her advice to be fearless in new situations and challenges. “It will involve a lot of adjustments, a lot of sacrifices. But mothers are no stranger to these situations,” Coruna adds. “Who could ever equal our sleepless nights, our silent tears, breastfeeding while eating to save time? Our training on motherhood creates a strong foundation that makes us better equipped for the battles of life.”
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