PCPPI, Gatorade No Sugar encourage public to maintain active lifestyle

In celebration of Obesity Awareness Prevention Week, Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI)—the exclusive distributor of PepsiCo beverages in the country—encourages everyone to explore various ways to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the risk of diseases linked to overweight and obesity.

Obesity has been a rising health problem in the Philippines with close to 27 million Filipinos being overweight and obese, according to the latest Food and Nutrition Research Institute survey. This puts them at an increased risk for serious diseases and health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

As the overall rate of overweight and obesity is expected to continue spiking, interventions need to be taken. In pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, it is not necessarily important to be the strongest. Showing up and sheer grit are what will take you far. PCPPI has listed some sports that you can hop on to start shredding those extra weight.

“Exercising plays a very important role in our overall health and wellbeing beyond weight loss. The Obesity Awareness Prevention week promotes a healthy lifestyle to the public,” said Frederick Ong, PCPPI President and CEO.


Walking is effective in promoting weight loss, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. It reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Studies show that walking is a mood and brain booster. It improves memory and cognitive capability.

Jogging & running

Jogging and running are easily the most effective ways to trim weight. Studies have found that it can help burn harmful visceral fat that could cause chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.


A gentle swim can burn over 200 calories in just 30 minutes. Swimming is also proven to increase the body’s metabolic rate. This helps in increasing energy levels and lowering the risk of diseases. It also provides mental benefits.


Cycling is a fun cardio workout that can help burn calories, improve heart health, and lose weight. It enhances posture and coordination, improves joint mobility, and increases muscle strength and flexibility. Studies have also found that it boosts the body’s insulin sensitivity, which reduces insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes.


Boxing is a form of high-intensity interval training and a total-body workout. This sport helps improve heart health. It also lowers blood pressure, improves balance, boosts strength, and reduces stress.

Regardless of your fitness routine, it is important to stay hydrated. Fueling up with Gatorade No Sugar can help improve your performance to achieve your goals.

Gatorade No Sugar has no calories and no sugar, but it provides the same electrolyte level as the regular Gatorade to give you the necessary hydration boost for your activity.

Gatorade No Sugar is available in 300ml and 500ml PET bottles in stores near you and in e-commerce platforms.

PCPPI is the exclusive manufacturer of Gatorade and other well-known beverage brands like Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, Mirinda, Mug, Sting, Tropicana, Lipton, Aquafina, Premier, and Milkis.

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• https://www.unicef.org/philippines/press-releases/everybody-needs-act-curb-obesity#:~:text=Around%2027%20million%20Filipinos%20are,1998%20to%2036.6%25%20in%202019
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