Pepsi Philippines named Healthiest Workplace, bags multiple awards

January 22, 2019
For the third year in a row, the local government of San Fernando City, Pampanga recognized Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc. (PCPPI) San Fernando plant for promoting the health, safety, and welfare of Fernandinos.

PCPPI's San Fernando plant has consistently maintained a safe and healthy working environment for its workers since 2016, setting a new standard of excellence when it comes to the city's guidelines. "Our third consecutive year winning in this category validates our uncompromising dedication to contributing to the positive growth of our workforce," said Ariel Flores, General Manager of PCPPI’s Central Luzon Operations. "We make sure to outperform every year not to merely follow regulations, but to truly provide our people with a great working environment that encourages productivity through the championing of their health."

Through the meticulous compliance with health laws and implementation of health and safety programs, PCPPI’s San Fernando plant has consistently championed employee welfare while preventing health risks in the workplace.

The winner was selected through strict evaluation of its appropriate waste management system, food safety, pollution-free environment, accessibility to health services, health and wellness programs, and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.

Along with the award, the San Fernando plant was given the honor of being inducted into the LGU's Hall of Fame for its consistent success in the Healthiest Workplace category consecutively since 2016.

The 14 bottling plants of PCPPI across the nation have a united resolve to further the growth and interest of its people with integrated programs which underline its corporate values. Through this, the bottling firm stands committed to upholding excellent working standards throughout its facilities, as it believes healthy employees are happy employees.

Supporting Pampanga's cultural heritage
Meanwhile, the San Fernando plant also bagged an award in the city's Inter-Commercial Establishment Décor Competition, in which it was awarded 2nd Runner-up for its rotating parol.

“Another highlight for us is our display of talent during the city’s parol festivities,” said Flores. “We demonstrate our core value of excellence through creative work not just within our facilities, as our people are also always eager to take every opportunity they can to share their skills with the communities that surround us.”

Supporting the preservation of Kapampangan culture and craftsmanship, the plant employees built a lantern mixing traditional designs with eye-catching accents showcasing the company's eight flagship products. Its entry garnered two more awards: Best in Automation/ Animation and People's Choice Award.

With these wins, Flores believes their plant is setting a good industry example local businesses in Pampanga can follow. "Whether it be for promoting healthy practices for employees and or encouraging their creativity, we want to continue setting a high standard for how businesses could operate."

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